
All weekly assignments are started in class and finished for homework.  It is asked that parents take some time to look over homework and discuss reading on a daily basis.  Independent novel calendars are filled out on a daily basis and expected to be signed by a parent each week. Wink

Standing weekly assignments include:

1.  Weekly word wrap assignments/Ebsco article summaries are completed every week.  Please see the link for 'word wraps' for directions as well as blank word wrap sheets.  This assignment is due every Thursday.

2.  Reading response journal entries are expected to be completed twice per week.  Please see "Reading Response" sheet for instructions.  Reading response journal entries are collected every-other Monday.

3.  Book Blogs/Independent Novel Projects are completed each month.  Monthly project instructions and rubrics can be viewed under the appropriate heading on this website.  Students have a minimum of two full hours of class time to work on these projects.  It is expected that at least this much time is spent on these projects at home.  

4.  Read for at least 30 minutes each night.  

5.  Study for your bi-monthly quiz.  You will be expected to know all words located on your vocabulary log as well as all content covered in class since the last quiz.